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A symbolic representation of the poets of the past Paul & Art. Of-course a lot of people wrote their own songs, composed the music and performed but none as chastely as Simon & Garfunkel.

An icon for the iconic.

The Friendly Neighbourhood Whore

My version of a Helvetica poster, inspired and using text by Somesh. Feel free to use the text to create your own version and do it mail to me so that it can be showcased here.

Night Rider


Connecting India

Logo Re-design: Indian Railways

The individual graphic element is borrowed from a part of the wheel of a railway carriage, or a wheel at large.
The 4 graphic elements are used in conjunction to form the Map of India, which also denotes railway tracks and connectivity between the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western parts of India.

Rendered in
4 different colours these elements intertwine the cultural differences of a country as diverse as ours form one single entity which is the shape of India.

Saffron & Green which are borrowed from the National flag colours are offset by two other characteristic Indian colours namely
Indigo and Vermilion.Indigo which also represents the colour of the Ashoka Chakra in the Indian National Flag and Vermilion is the earthy red representing the ethos of rural India.

Billion Hearts Beating

Dear friend Gulo endorses Apollo Hospitals nationwide campaign against the increasing rate of heart related diseases in India.