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findinGULO / an exercise in phenomenalism

Inspired from actual 'Lost' posters in the city of Baroda, in terms of design & content; these posters were an exercise in the creation of hype. In fact, headlines and the format is a direct shameless copy from one of the illustrious examples that adorned the bus stop walls. The bylines and sub-heading are of-course customized.

The concerned, our dear mate did not actually go missing but was off on a sabbatical when this poster campaign was put into action. The posters were strategically placed over the Faculty and University premises and a horde of other areas that the concerned would most likely frequent ( including the Ladies Hostel ). As a result, there was just one slight reprimand and a barrage of questions by kith kin and mostly by the vendors catering to our nightly haunts. Our little tryst with activism did not end that badly after all, our reward came in the form of
questions that poured upon the concerned on his return; apart from seniors and juniors alike, the list includes a senior faculty member, canteen proprietor and others.

Partners in crime / activists : Hitesh aka Rocky + Saalim aka Keeda + yours truly
The text is translated for the convenience of unilingual readers / unfamiliar with the Gujarati script.
Pardon the rough translation = half the charm of the vernacular language is lost as such.

The description of the concerned which is a constant on all the posters is as follows :
NAME : Gulo Guillinder
Height : 5.11”
Age : 28 years
Colur of Hair : black, brown, auburn and red
Appearance : Rotund
Last seen : Faculty of Fine Arts
Informant shall be duly rewarded.
Contact number : 9879123560

Can’t be found
We request you to come back at the earliest.
What ever food you ask for shall be provided.


Where ever you may be please come back,
no one will ever bother you again.


Your dad will get you an high-speed internet and Worldspace connection. You won’t even need to go to I Tech any more. So if possible come back.


We request you to come back at the earliest.
What ever food you ask for shall be provided.

Can’t be found

If you want to come tomorrow, make it today.
If you want to come today, make it now.